Food for the Hungry

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Every 3.6 seconds a person dies of hunger, 75% of them are children. Even though our country has progressed economically, poverty deaths are still very much prevalent. There are hundreds of orphanages in the country, some of them well managed, but short of funds.

We provide assistance to these orphanages with provisions, food materials, vegetables etc for preparation of wholesome meal to these orphan children. We also support agencies which distributes food packets to road side beggars. We also have been providing food to poor patients and those looking after them at government hospitals. We will be continuing this effort. So next time before you go for a party or to a restaurant please don't forget to spend 5 minutes on your computer to help provide food for the hungry. JOIN OUR GROUP for more.

Join our group and know how you can without making any donation, by just spending Five minutes on your computer help hundreds of poor people & children.

Thank you